Saturday, October 16, 2010

I have officially lost my mind.

I am 11 pregnancy tests in and with the last one I took just a few minutes ago, it seemed like maybe possibly there was a very slight, very faint, maybe, possibly a line. The tests says read at 3 minutes and not after 10. At 3 minutes there was nothing but at 9 and 1/2, I don't know.... of course I had to analyze with a flashlight and then take the test apart. I am not counting this as a positive because I think maybe I am just insane and I am seeing magical lines that don't exist. But of course now I am off to the dollar store to buy some more HPTs because I am all out. Just call me Denise the loony bird.

1 comment:

  1. Denise, you ARE such a loony bird but that's why you are so likeable!!!
