Saturday, July 11, 2009

Welcome to my brand new blog. Why am I blogging? Last year (July of 2009) I could have answered that in so many ways. How about, everyone is doing it? Or, because I know everyone wants to read about my oh so fascinating life - right? Maybe because if I blog about my struggles with certain medical issues I can help others. Or maybe I am doing it just because I feel like it, and that is a good enough reason for me. But anyway, welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy all my lovely random thoughts.

But now August 2010 I have a different answer. I obviously didn't blog much (at all) in the last year but now I have something very interesting to blog about. My journey to having my second child.

As of now, I am not advertising this blog at all. So if you are here it is because you found it by accident, which for my sanity I hope no one I know does. So, sit back and enjoy!