Saturday, October 30, 2010

All the news that is fit to print

This and that

It has been 2 weeks since I found out I am pregnant. I am still on cloud nine. I am still feeling great, I haven't had any real symptoms yet. A few little things here and there but not sure if they are related or not. I will be seeing a doctor November 24. They will do an ultrasound and a bunch of other stuff. Sadly they will probably want my blood too :(. Isaac wants to name the baby Yoda, that is so not going to happen. He even asked if Yoda could be the middle name, um sorry son but NO! I did however tell him he could give the baby a nickname. Sidebar: I really don't like calling my babies "it" while I am carrying them. You may recall my first was DJ (stood for Denise Junior but was changed to just DJ after I lost her) and Isaac was called Walker all of my pregnancy. Wanting Isaac to feel included, I let him choose the name for this one during my pregnancy. So I am proudly awaiting the birth of baby Yoda (it was that or Darth Vader).

The miracle in me.

All babies are special and miraculous but there is a story behind baby Yoda that makes him/her a true miracle. Many of you probably know that I used an anonymous donor to conceive Isaac. When Isaac was about 2 or 3, I met a woman on-line who had used the same donor that I had. She told me that she had contacted the bank we used to see if she could use the same donor to have a sibling for her daughter. They told her the donor had no "supply" left and had moved out of the area, so even if they could locate him, it would be thousands of dollars for him to travel back to the area, stay a week or two, and go through all the tests again all at our expense. When I contacted them they told me the same thing. That pretty much meant that Isaac would never have a full biological sibling. I didn't really see it as a huge deal. Yes, it would have been nice for Isaac to have a full sibling, but any child I am mother to, whether it be by birth or by adoption, will be his sibling. Still I had a twinge of regret. Fast forward a few years to now. A few months ago I was perusing the bank's donor list and low and behold there was Isaac's donor listed. I was floored. I immediately contacted the bank and they told me yes, this was the same donor, and they had 5 vials left. When I contacted them again before I was ready to order, the donor was down to 4 vials. I planned on using 3 vials to try this time so this was a one shot deal. DJ took 4 tried with 2 vials each try to conceive and Isaac took 3 tries with 2 vials each try. It didn't seem like I had much hope. But as you know, God is Great, all the time and 2 weeks ago we got our miracle.

The carnivore in me.

My name is Denise and I am a closet meat eater. That's right, I am once again eating meat. During my pregnancy with Isaac I ate meat. Protein is very important for fetal brain development and Isaac is very intelligent. Whether meat eating played a part in this or not, I don't know but I want to give baby Yoda the same chance I gave Isaac, so for the next 9 (maybe more if I feel it will help with nursing) I will be consuming beef, chicken, and turkey.

And THAT is all the news that is fit to print.

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